Business areas
Forssell Timber’s collective experience and knowledge is at the base of more than 1,000 personal contacts throughout Japan.
Forssell Timber exports sawn, further processed and sustainable wood products mainly to Japan but also to other countries in South East Asia. The products are primarily used for housing construction and become beams, posts and other components. We also deliver products to the do-it-yourself industry and interior products such as flooring and panelling. Our operations can be divided into three business areas.
We are in charge of the Japanese sales and marketing operations for SCA Wood, one of Europe’s leading sawmill companies. SCA Wood, with whom we have worked since 2005, is a subsidiary to the forest products company SCA (Svenska Cellulosa Aktiebolaget), which has almost 40,000 employees and operations worldwide. SCA owns 2.6 million hectares of forest land and is Europe’s largest private forest owner.
We also represent a number of wood industries, including Fiskarheden Trävaruaktiebolag, a family owned company established 1929. We are exclusively responsible for and manage their sales operations.
Our operations also include a network of wood product industries that are sub-contractors for our own sales and exports. Forssell Timber’s collective experience and knowledge is at the base of more than 1,000 personal contacts throughout Japan. The companies we work with are carefully chosen end-users, trading houses and distributers, all of whom are leaders in their segments.
Product segments

We collaborate with sub-contractors to Japanese home builders, which is a growing segment for us. The components are planed and cut with high tolerances. These are used to manufacture house frames without further processing.

Basic sawn timber that is further processed in Japan. These items are mainly used as components in houses.

We offer a broad selection of planed products to this segment. We can label every piece, bundle and package according to customer requirements. Our flexible distribution procedures to Japan allow us to combine a large number of products in each delivery.

Raw material to the glue laminated timber industry
We are presently one of the leading suppliers of raw materials to the Japanese glue laminated timber industry. The raw materials from pine and spruce are used for posts and beams. In terms of pine, we are the single largest supplier of input material for beam production. We work with sawmills that use such cutting-edge technologies as x-rays to produce a raw material with high bending strength. We even offer a length program to satisfy our customers’ requirements.

Interior wood products
We offer a broad selection of planed products to this segment. We can label every piece, bundle and package according to customer requirements. Our flexible distribution procedures to Japan allow us to combine a large number of products in each delivery.
Adress in Sweden
Torebo Herrgard 546
474 93 Ellos
Fredrik Westling, CEO